Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Word Scramble

Workouts: Yes. Specific enough? Shooting to run with Jap today and then hit the gym for some weights and ride tomorrow. Ambitious.

So, clearly I have been a little out of touch. I feel like there is just so much going on (like laying on the couch) and I just have not been in the mood to write.

My mind has been more wrapped up in some family health stuff and not on the little mutterings of everyday life.

That said, I feel like it is about time for a little update….

Highlight Reel:

Last time I was on here I mentioned that we were heading to a roller derby. I don’t think that is a sport I will jump into…I left still not understanding what was happening!? The highlight? The halftime show was a dog relay and it was fantastic!


Most of our weekend have been spent at bike races. It is that time of the year! Here are some of my fave pics (none of which I can take any credit for taking)…

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We had a little snow storm thrown into the mix, but it didn’t last long and we have had 60-70 degree weather since! Seriously, it is November!!


Jasper makes sure to sit extra proper on the way to important races…


Ken doesn’t typically race until about 4, so we get to spend weekend mornings relaxing. It is pretty awesome!


Wednesday was Halloween so Jasper dressed up for the occasion:


Teaching is going great, work is going fine. Life just seems to be going through the motions.

We are all very excited for the upcoming holidays and looking forward to some family time and relaxing together…and maybe a nap or 2! But for now…we are just plugging away. Ken is working all weekend so no bike races…I guess that means I should start cleaning my house…Winking smile