Friday, September 28, 2012


Workouts: Today….RIDING!!

So, last night was my last uneventful night with my high school kiddos. I had a fabulous time just hanging out and chatting with them and hearing about their lives. I am really going to miss that.

I honestly cant wait for Sunday to be over and done with. I am thankful Ken has a race that afternoon so I wont be able to dwell on things.

Lighter note…guess what is joining me in the office today…


A great way to make your day go by super slowly…put something fun in the corner that you aren’t allowed to play with. Boo!

Our friend, Z, was nice enough to install new brakes on my bike and put on my pink bar tape…that Ken got me in March. You know….something about a job and being busy. hahaha.

I am so excited because I am meeting Z and Errin after work to do some skills work…or for me, lack of skills work. Here’s to hopping I am in one piece by the end of the day!!

Enjoy your Friday!!