Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happenings and Changes

Workouts: Some killer hill runs in Kentucky and a great weight workout out Wednesday.

So big news around these parts! Lots has happen and a lot is about to happen.

First off…our trip!!

Last Wednesday we headed to Las Vegas for a bike race: CROSSVEGAS! We left around 9 for the airport, hopped a plane, rented a car, ran team-related errands and then prepped for race time (9:30 for Ken…yes, at night). The race was great-those guys are FAST. Ken finished in 39th place (which I called pretty stellar). Errin and Colin were there as well and let us crash at their hotel for our 4 hours of sleep. Talk about whirlwind!

The only picture I managed to take was of Ken and Brad (he works for Feedback) as they picked out appropriate hot dogs. Um, yeah.


At 5 am the next day, the alarm sounded and we got ready in 15 minutes before heading out the door. Good thing I am so girlie and all. We found ourselves back that the airport, flying to Denver and hopping on another plane bound for Kentucky.

We spent the next few days enjoying hanging out with my grandparents and uncle D and eating WAY too much food (and Ice Cream…oh my! Swoon). In the middle of our trip, our friend T flew in and accompanied us to the wedding of our friends K and J. So good…but so cold! haha.

We did several runs…with a lot of hills. I never realized how hilly it is there! Ken even convinced me to go for a run the morning we were flying out…it was still dark, but it was awesome!

Monday we had a flight to Atlanta and hopped on this guy for the trek back to Denver…


I ended up sharing half my seat with the guy next to me…if you know what I mean. Eek.

Since we have been back it has been pretty non-stop. Between classes and patients, I have barely seen the light of day…unless it is when I am driving.

I met a friend/patient at the gym at 5 (Ken came too!) and am thinking I will need to catch up on sleep this weekend. Time changes are so cool.

Big News…Today is my last Thursday working at the church and Sunday is my last day. Long story short…Some stuff went down. And the way it did left me feeling hurt and lied too. Not a great combo. Sunday will be one of the hardest days of my life (saying goodbye to kids) but we will not be returning in any capacity.

In other news, Ken is racing this weekend (twice) and I am thinking about making my debut the following Saturday. OMG!!!!

Back to work time!!!!