Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dog Days

Guess who has a Jaspy at work today?! I do, I do!!! And he is being delightful!

First off, yesterday was beyond windy. When I went to pick up Ken, Suzi ( my Suzuki) was shaking around like a hip hop dancer. It was a little nuts.

As you can tell, the fire is still ablaze and the smoke adrift...(quality pictures through the car windows)...

Jasper was more than happy to cuddle up next to Ken....

And then he tried to become the biggest purse dog in America! (Note: There is now fur in my purse, thanks bud!)...
Needless to say, I was quite thankful for the rest day! For dinner, we had elk burgers (WHAT!?) and asparagus. T'was it was Biggest Loser great (we always end up eating while watching and then I feel guilty). Oh well! Sad face that a super cool guy went home last night! Boo!

 Moving on...

Somehow I convinced Ken that we should drive separately today. Which meant he left at 7:10 and I left at 8:40 just a little bit later ;-)  I made eggs, smoked sausage and toasted homemade bagels for breakfast (oh how I wish I was a stay at home wife! At least in the mornings). Jasper also enjoyed his time lounging around the house (after crawling into our bed for most of the night).

 Gorgeous drive in to work...I can't imagine being in a busy city...I LOVE where we live and LOVE where I work!

Jasper is on his best behavior today (he really wanted to go to the dog park and knew he had to be good!)

And so we did! He had a blast with all of his friends.

 How gorgeous is it today? Sooooo gorgeous!!!

This afternoon I have a nifty little hilly run (blah!). I am hoping that my foot can handle is being a pain in the behind! Jasper is thrilled to be partaking in that exercise as well. Good day for the pup.

Psghetti for dinner (that was on purpose, cuz I am cool-or not). 


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