Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sometimes You Just Need Chocolate

Workout: Although it should be a rest day…Jasper and I will be doing a little hiking while Ken rides his booty off.

Howdy and Happy Tuesday. And I should say, the second half of Tuesday (that always makes it a little bit better!).

Today has been a whirlwind of patients, paperwork and cleaning out/off my desk. My oh my how papers seem to replicate!

I also found about 75 paperclips in my drawer, maybe I am a hoarder?

About an hour ago, I decided I needed chocolate. Not wanted, needed. So I headed a block down to Bittersweet and picked up this bad boy…


Sorry, I HAD to HAVE a bite before I took the pic. Precious moments were wasting away. Pretty much it was amazing (and gluten free!) and completely satisfied my chocolate-desire.

I also picked this guy up today…


I have been waiting FOREVER for it to be available and it will fit in nicely with the 6 other books I am reading. Yikes!

Pretty excited to be hiking in 80+ degree weather today…in April!!