Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Last of the Potters

Right now I am sitting on the couch watching my crazy pup chase a fly. I love that his tail is wagging all over the place as he stalks around like it is his job. Well, I guess maybe it is!

Hi there, I am back to the living. I pretty much vanished last week and for good reason. After feeling like garbage for 4 days, I finally made a little trip to the MD last Friday (first time in like 3 years). I went in with my diagnosis…sinus infection and conjunctivitis in my left eye (woke up with that at 1:30 in the morning). She confirmed and gave me a prescription for some antibiotics. I hate taking them..but I hated feeling crappy even more!

Because I called in sick (can’t be seeing patients looking like death), I got my first day off in 3 weeks. Yup, 21 days without a day off…no wonder my body decided to stop functioning! I enjoyed a day of watching cheesy chic flicks and hanging on the couch with the pup. I may have indulged in some FroYo too. Mmmmm.

When Ken got home from work, we had to go to a pool party (Church event). I sported a nice maxi dress and sunglasses and was completely content to sit and chat while watching Ken splash around with the students. I was amazed at how relaxing it was…but I guess it means I didn’t really have a full day off!

Saturday morning I felt a little better and got Ken to join me for about 4.5 miles around the lake of easy running. It felt great to get out, even just for a little while.

In the early afternoon, Ken and I met up with E and C to see something we have been waiting to see….



Part 2! It was good…I read it awhile ago, so I didn’t remember everything, but knew the general gist. I kinda feel like it was our childhood coming to a close! I feel like we grew up with those wizardy kids!!!

Post-Potter, we headed to a 16th birthday party (While E and C visited Jaspy…I am sure he was thrilled). There was some of this…



But maybe only one hoop! It was a blast and we left shortly after my 14th piece of cake (or maybe it was just 2).

Sunday morning Ken pushed me out of bed at 5:30 to head out for my 20 mile run. It was kind of brutal….sinuses ached a bit, congestion still lingered, return to altitude and being on antibiotics….doesn’t really make for brilliant running conditions. About 11 miles in, I swung by the house to change my sports bra for a dry one and to switch to my other running shoes. Ken gave me a little pep talk and I grabbed Jasper for the rest of the run. It was a tough one…but we made it!

Church, FroYo meeting (is there a better kind?), home, STEAK DINNER, movie…relaxing. So good! I love getting workouts done early!

Monday I spent the day doing what I do best…cleaning, errand running, making pesto from the basil I grew, making homemade peach cobbler…oh my! And then I had to run into work to treat a patient before hanging out with Ken for the evening.

I have to admit that last night and into today, I was deep in the trenches of…


Thanks Millicent!! I couldn’t put it down! I will say, the plot is kinda weird…kids fighting one another to the death?! But…I can’t wait to start the second…so there you have it.

Today Ken, Jasper and I got up at 5:30 to run and workout. I had a pretty tough ladder workout (Ken lasted for the first 2 intervals -1 and 2 minutes and then bailed for a core workout) . The rest of the day was work as usual with a little blogging thrown in there.

Planning on 5:30 again tomorrow….gotta get ready for Saturday’s race!


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