Thursday, March 11, 2010

I guess I didnt need that shoulder?!

Last night I had the pleasure of going from work straight to babysitting. Don't get me wrong, I love the adorable 2 year old I get to play makes for a long day! Especially when we have company at home. Rene got in last night and I was soooo excited to see her! She brought with her TONS of amazing food and housewares and ..dun dun dun...a chocolate cake!!! Not just any chocolate cake-a mouthwateringly delicious chocolate cake (of which we indulged ourselves of course!). After catching up and relaxing on the couch for a while, we hit the sack.

The morning we had scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and sweet rolls (mmmm) for breakfast-along with some much needed coffee and some orange juice. Ken and I got ready to head in to Boulder. Normally Thursday is my late day, but with the funeral this afternoon I am seeing patients early today. Jasper and I had a run planned for this morning and so after dropping Ken off, I (as I normally do) went to get Jaspy out from the back of my car. I know this is a VERY dangerous task and I guess I should have been more careful because-POP GOES THE SHOULDER. Yup-that's right-Dislocation number....hmmm lost count! Darn you right shoulder, why do you hate me?! After muttering several expletive's (that I don't care to share and am not proud of) my mind went racing through what to do-my phone was in the front seat and Jasper was being clutched by my left hand. I thought practically of my boss-who happens to be at a board meeting today an hour away-not happening and from there just decided I was going to have to take care of it myself! So I bit down hard on my teeth and went about my business. If you have ever had a dislocation, you know that it hurts like heck putting it back but once it is there it is like Angels singing!

I called Ken who came running out of work to check on me. I told him I fixed it-no problem! He kissed it and made it better and then Jasper and I were on our way--nothing was keeping us from our run-albeit more of a jog at this point and the leash in my LEFT hand! After being out for about 50 minutes we headed in to work (my work). I showered and got ready to see my patient (just did-she is doing MUCH better and can actually walk like a normal person now! yipee!!) I adjusted her which was a bearable sharp pain-for me, NOT her (I think my pain tolerance increases with each dislocation!). I finished up some paperwork and am getting ready to head over to pick up Ken for the funeral today :-(

I forgot my camera-I think it would be cool to post a pic of my shoulder sometime. I would have to warn you first-it looks amazingly gross! Hope you all have an fantastically health-injury free day!

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