Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Yesterday afternoon Jasper and I went jogging. It was so nice and we spent about 40 minutes running about the neighborhood. I let Jasper off leash and he was PRETTY good. Halfway down one of the trails something got his attention...and it was coming from someones FENCED IN yard. Uh-oh!! Yeah-manners went out the window and Jaspy made his way through the space in the fence and proceeded to sniff a little tree. He was just out of my reach and was giving me the mom.this.is.important.leave.me.alone look. I really did not want to hop the fence(awkward!) so I took one of the milk bones out of my pocket and coaxed him my direction. When he was within reach, I grabbed him and dragged him through the fence. I had a few things to say to him but he apologized so we went on our way. When we got to the park, I had to put his leash back on because there were kids present. Jasper could care less about most adults, but if you put a kid in his sights all of his listening abilities go up out the window. He MUST say hi to kids! We navigated around the distractions and continued our jog.

When we got home Ken had already made it back from riding home from work. I had thrown in a LOVELY prime rib before I left, so I only had to get the green beans and (leftover) scalloped potatoes ready. SCORE! We devoured our delicious meal while partaking in a little Chuck (t.v. show) action. After dishes, we were tempted by the couch. Other than getting up to make some brownies, we enjoyed our night catching up on some shows.

This morning we did not want to get out of bed....all three of us showed the motivation of a sea turtle attempting to swim in Jello. We were so sluggish and it is only Tuesday! I blame Jasper. He used to be so good about getting us up in the morning and now he would rather sleep in. Lazy Vizsla! Now we're are both enjoying our days at work looking longingly out into the 80...yup, you read that right...80 degree day!!!
Ken is riding home again and I am going to ride when I get home and then make dinner and bake a carrot cake for Ken to take to work tomorrow. YUM YUM!

And a special note for Alle-who is a secret blog stalker ;-) It is warmer here today than it is in LA so there! :-D

Happy Tuesday!

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